How CAPSA is Preventing Homelessness


The Correlation between Homelessness and Domestic Violence

 Abuse often takes many forms – from emotional, physical, sexual, financial, and many more, there are many ways an abuser can hold power and control over their victims. When a survivor flees abuse – there is usually a common outcome: they’re cut off financially. Because of this, finding a place to live for them and their children can be one of the most difficult challenges a survivor will face. CAPSA recognized that providing safe and affordable housing for survivors would decrease survivors’ risk of homelessness and increase their chances of continuing their education and rebuilding their financial sustainability. CAPSA currently serves around 300 clients a year in our housing program, providing relief and a safe place to live. 



CAPSA’s Transitional Housing Program Provides Relief and Independence


Since starting our housing program in 2007, CAPSA now owns or manages 21 homes which include Independence Place, Hansen Fourplex, and Independence Way. 

CAPSA’s Transitional Housing Program is a two-year program which includes housing subsidies coupled with advocacy and educational programming. The program focuses on developing independence by reducing housing expenses and assisting clients as they work toward a life asset such as a down payment on a home, and education. 

CAPSA’s housing caseworkers help clients find housing and support them during this transition – this may include short-term assistance or housing subsidies for up to two years. This program is successful at helping families start new lives free from abuse. 



Support CAPSA’s Housing Program

 CAPSA self-subsidies these properties, so the burden for expenses is on CAPSA. We help with maintenance costs and utility costs as well. Housing sponsors support our housing program with an annual sponsorship of $6,000. This represents the average cost for CAPSA to provide housing assistance. These funds will cover housing expenses and program funds.  



CAPSA Services are Free and Confidential

 If you or anyone you know is experiencing abuse, CAPSA can provide free and confidential services. Call 435-753-2500 to speak with a trained advocate.