What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic Violence or intimate partner violence is defined as a pattern of physical, sexual, and/or psychological abuse which is meant to control another person.

Most often the people are intimate partners, but they may also be roommates, a boyfriend or girlfriend, an adult child who lives with his/her parents, or a parent who is abused by his/her adult children.

CAPSA is the state and federally recognized domestic violence specialist serving Cache and Rich Counties. If you or someone you know has experienced or been impacted by domestic violence, please call CAPSA at (435) 753-2500 to speak with a caseworker and learn about options and resources available to help you.

Types of Abuse

Cycle of Abuse

Many abusive relationships go through similar phases which repeat over and over again known as the Cycle of Abuse. These cycles include:

  1. Tension Building
  2. Acute Violence (Acting Out)
  3. Reconciliation
  4. Honeymoon (Calm)

Please call CAPSA anytime at (435) 753-2500 to speak with a trained advocate. Call 911 if you are in immediate danger.

Call CAPSA at (435) 753-2500

If you are experiencing domestic violence, we believe you and are here to help.

CAPSA Services

CAPSA can help you if you feel unsafe in your relationship or struggling to heal from abuse – the abuse could be current or happen when you were a child.  Abuse manifests itself in many ways, including physically, emotionally, psychologically, financially, and sexually. CAPSA can help no matter the type of abuse or when it happened.

CAPSA provides personalized services to help you and your children safely and permanently escape abuse. All services are FREE and confidential.

Please call CAPSA anytime at (435) 753-2500 to speak with a trained advocate. Call 911 if you are in immediate danger.

Helping a Loved One

It can be tricky knowing how to help a loved one who you suspect might be experiencing abuse. CAPSA has some steps you can take to ensure the safety of you and your loved one.