CAPSA urges community members to donate locally

Citizens Against Physical and Sexual Abuse has created a campaign designed to help local CPA’s and accountants encourage community members to donate to local non-profits.

Similar to Lee’s branded Buy Local campaign, this campaign encourages residents to keep their charitable giving within Cache Valley.

Matt Whitaker, executive director of the Cache Community Food Pantry, said the Give Local campaign will assist the Food Pantry in many ways.

“Although we receive many food donations throughout the year, we still need financial support to pay for foods that are not commonly donated, overhead, etc.,” Whitaker said.  “The Give Local campaign will go a long way in filling that need.”

Whitaker also expressed appreciation for CAPSA and its efforts to benefit the community at large. Speaking of CAPSA’s development director, James Boyd, Whitaker said, “The efforts by James Boyd to initiate the Give Local campaign is a perfect demonstration of the quality organization that CAPSA is. They are interested in lifting the entire community, not solely those who rely on the services that CAPSA provides.”

Since beginning the campaign in October, Boyd, Whitaker and other non-profit participants have reached out to local financial advisors and met with them regarding the Give Local program.

Troy Martin of Cook Martin Poulson, PC said he’s “All in” when it comes to the Give Local initiative.

“Everyone wants to go travel to South America and work in orphanages or build grass huts, but you don’t have to leave Cache Valley to help someone,” Martin said.

Sammie Macfarlane, executive director of Common Ground Outdoor Adventures, said it’s the willingness of people to give within the community that makes it so special.

“Common Ground Outdoor Adventures is thrilled to be a part of the Give Local Campaign! Seeing individuals invest right here in their own community, to assist those in need, is at the core of what makes Cache Valley such a great place to live.”

As executive director of CAPSA for more than twenty years, Jill Anderson has seen first-hand how generous community members are.

“While we sometimes see the worst of what’s happening in our community, we also get the honor of seeing the best of our community in the support they give to us every year,” Anderson said.

That support enabled CAPSA to become the first and only zero-turn-away shelter in Utah. This means if anyone experiencing domestic violence or sexual abuse comes to CAPSA needing therapy services, shelter or any form of assistance, they will receive it.

“I can only imagine the courage it takes to leave an abusive situation,” Anderson said. “CAPSA is making sure that courage is not in vain. We are here to be a safe place for everyone.”

Boyd said he created the Give Local campaign because he knew what a difference every non-profit makes.

“The Cache Education Foundation is bringing technology into the classroom,” Boyd said. “Stokes Nature Center is providing outdoor learning opportunities to children, and Four Paws Rescue is finding homes for pets who have been deemed by someone else as too old or too much work to care for. I wanted to highlight these great things and show individuals they could make a drastic difference in someone’s life by giving locally.”