
CAPSA – Your Expert Trainers on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention

Domestic violence and sexual assault are pervasive problems that affect individuals, families, and communities. As a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting survivors of physical and sexual abuse, CAPSA believes that educating and training employees on these issues is crucial in creating a culture of prevention and support. 

Why Employee Training on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault is Important 

Domestic violence and sexual assault can have significant impacts on individuals and their ability to work. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, 60% of domestic violence survivors report losing their job as a direct result of their abuse. Additionally, survivors of sexual assault may struggle with physical and emotional effects that can impact their work performance and attendance. By providing training to employees on how to recognize and respond to domestic violence and sexual assault, employers can create a safer and more supportive work environment for all employees. 

How CAPSA Can Help 

CAPSA is a valuable resource for employers seeking to provide training on domestic violence and sexual assault. Our expert staff has extensive experience working with survivors of abuse and can provide customized training that meets the specific needs of each employer. We offer a range of training topics: 

  • CAPSA Service Awareness: participants learn the basics and history of CAPSA as an organization and the services they provide, as well as tips on how to recognize warning signs of abuse, how to respond, and how to appropriately refer survivors to CAPSA.  
  • The Impact of Abuse: a comprehensive definition of violence and how it affects individuals, relationships, communities, and workplaces.  
  • Elder Abuse: a deep dive into how abuse disproportionately affects our elderly communities, how to recognize warning signs, and how to lessen the impact. 
  • How to Be a Trauma-Informed Workplace: a discussion on the definition of trauma, understanding trauma responses, and how workplaces can implement policies, procedures, and practices to better help employees who are healing from trauma.  

Here to Help 

Additionally, CAPSA offers ongoing support to employers who have completed our training. Our staff are available to answer questions, provide resources, and offer additional training as needed. At CAPSA, we are committed to providing survivor-centered services that meet the unique needs of everyone who seeks our support. When you call CAPSA at 435-753-2500, you can expect a warm and welcoming response, information and support, advocacy and support, and confidentiality. We want survivors to know that they are not alone and that they have the power to make informed decisions about their safety and well-being. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault, please don’t hesitate to call CAPSA.