Tag Archive for: Teen Dating Violence

CAPSA’s Education Department Shares What They Teach About Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships


Lindsey, one of our educators, recently taught about healthy relationships to a class at Mountain Crest High School. During her lesson, students learned what makes up a healthy relationship such as trust, communication, boundaries, and respect. During this lesson, they also had the chance to come up with examples of unhealthy relationships and share with the class – such as the intensity of Edward towards Bella in Twilight or the controlling aspect of the mother in Tangled. We believe it is vital for teenagers and young adults to understand the dynamics of healthy relationships so they know what to look out for in their own relationships.  

In addition to Healthy Relationships, CAPSA’s prevention educators present on many other topics. If you are interested in setting up a presentation for your students or youth group, reach out to shellie@capsa.org.